10 reasons why every business needs a website in kenya in 2023

top 10 reasons why every business needs a website in kenya – proven

In the current, ever-evolving digital world, having a website is pivotal for all businesses.

A website establishes a strong professional online presence, allows you to connect with your prospects, and sells your goods and services online.

10 reasons why every business needs a website in Kenya:

1. To establish a strong and professional online presence.

Take the example of Brian, a young man who is planning his wedding. He needs a photographer for this.

He goes to Google and searches ”wedding photographer near me.”

You, on the other side, say Glen Photography hired us at TymesTech to design a website and perform the necessary SEO. Your website, Glen Photography, appears on top.

Your website becomes the first point of contact between your business and potential customers (Brian, in this case).

A professionally built website provides the solution the customer is looking for.

This can generate a memorable first impression and help you establish your business as a credible and trustworthy source of products or services.

2. To connect with your customers.

This is achieved by providing blogs and tutorials to solve the problems they are encountering.

They can be simple and easy to follow DIY or landing pages to where they can buy the goods or services.

Note: Many great websites and tools online are discovered through their articles rather than their landing pages.

Your website is a great way to connect with customers and prospects from all over the world.

It allows you to share information about your business, your products and services, and your brand.

You can also use your website to collect leads and generate sales.

3. To market your products and services effectively.

Fun fact: Did you know that 14,800 people go to Google every month to search for “hotels in Naivasha”? If you have a website, that’s ranking number one for that keyword. 14800 people get to know your business, and nearly all could be potential customers!

Your website is a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach new customers and grow your business.

This can be achieved through:

i) organic traffic (appearing on the first page of Google searches).

ii) Paid traffic using Google adsYou can use your website to promote your products and services, run special offers and discounts, and collect customer reviews.

From my experience, I’ve established that its easier, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly to do marketing using a website than other methods like influencer marketing. Which justifies more reasons why every business needs a website in Kenya.

4. To stay competitive.

In the current digital world, most businesses have a sleek website.

If your business doesn’t have one, you’re at a competitive disadvantage.

A website will help you level the playing field and compete with larger businesses.

Note: Don’t rely on social media accounts only, since they are free to create and anyone can have one. Your account can also be easily deleted. Instead, have a website in your domain that you own and have control over.

Using my earlier example of Brian, assuming he finds a Google my business listing, without a website like yours, from psychology, it is easier to prove results, and this can be achieved by having a portfolio website.

This adds to the list of reasons why every business needs a website in Kenya.

5. To establish and skyrocket your brand’s awareness.

Take an example of the greatest businesses in Kenya, like Jumia. People know very little of the physical business, but almost every Kenyan is aware of the Jumia website.

This is what I call strong brand awareness. Likewise, your website could be a great way to build brand awareness and promote your brand identity.

You can use your website to share your brand story, your mission and values, and your unique selling proposition.

Brand awareness is also achieved through consistent color, fonts, and typography.

For example, Safaricom is known for the green color, and Jumia for the yellow color and fonts.

6. To generate sales.

Another one of the reasons why every business needs a website in Kenya is to make sales.

With an e-commerce website, you can sell goods, as Jumia, Masoko, and Jiji do, or services like lawyer consultation, hospital bookings, the sale of online courses, etc.

These generate extra income. Soon, in Kenya, e-commerce will be the way to go for most businesses and customers, so why not stay ahead?

Fun fact: Did you know that every month, 2400 people search on Google for “movers in Nairobi”? These are all potential customers. You can only tap into that market with a website and good SEO.

Your website can be used to generate leads and sales for your business.

You can use your website to collect contact information from potential customers, offer free trials or demos, and run online sales campaigns.

You can offer free resources like pdfs and ebooks in exchange for email or contacts that you’ll use later for marketing.

7. To provide customer support.

By setting up a contact page, WhatsApp chat button, email link, and knowledge bank, your customers can always reach out to you easily.

It can also be used to provide customer support 24/7.

You can use your website to provide FAQs, product manuals, and other support resources.

You can also use your website to offer live chat or email support.

For example, when hundreds of people are usually searching for “Helb contact “orHelb email address, or phone number, the Helb website’s contact page appears and students can be served.

8. To collect customer feedback.

Your website can be used to collect customer feedback through a contact form.

This feedback can help you to improve your products and services and to better understand the needs of your customers.

9. To stay up-to-date.

Your website is a great way to keep your customers and prospects informed about the latest news and developments at your business.

You can use your website to publish blog posts, articles, and other news content that is relevant to your target audience.

10. To expand your reach.

Your website can help you expand your reach and reach new customers.

With a website, you can sell your products and services to customers all over the world.

That’s another reason why every business needs a website in Kenya in 2024.

How to create a website

Creating a website is easier than ever before. There are many different platforms and services that you can use to create a website, even if you have no coding knowledge or experience.

For example WordPress, wix, Squarespace, etc. I personally recommend WordPress due to its versatility and freeness.

Here are a few tips for creating a website:

  • Hire a competitive web design agency in Kenya to build a website for you and handle the technical bits on your behalf.
  • Choose a domain name that is relevant to your business and easy to remember. Your domain name is the address of your website on the internet.
  • Design a website that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. This is how you create a website in kenya or start a blog in Kenya.
  • Your website should be consistent with your brand identity and should make it easy for visitors to find the information they’re looking for.
  • Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Your website should be filled with informative and engaging content that will keep visitors coming back for more.
  • Promote your website. Once your website is up and running, you need to promote it so that people can find it. You can promote your website through social media, search engine optimization (SEO), business listing sites in Kenya, and other online marketing channels.
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Paul Mbui
Paul Mbui

Am an self taught web designer in Kenya, Seo Expert, Web security specialist. I build professional websites,with html, css, js, php, mysql, bootstrap, jquery and WordPress. I write blogs about web design, seo and web security.

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