how to start a blog in kenya

How to Start a Blog in Kenya in 2024 and make money online

A blog is a constantly updated website or web page that is usually written in a conversational style.

Blogs are used for a wide range of purposes, such as sharing news and information, promoting a business, or simply expressing one’s thoughts and opinions.

In this article, I will go through everything you need to know about how to start a blog in Kenya in 2024.

Importance of blogging in kenya

• To establish yourself as an expert in your field.

By constantly publishing high-quality content, you can attract and retain readers who are interested in the value you are offering.

This can help you build a reputation as an authority and expert in your field and generate sales for your business.

• Drive traffic to your website.

Blog articles generally get higher impressions and clicks on search engines than normal website pages.

This can be used to drive organic traffic to your website and make sales.

When you publish new blog posts, you can also promote them on social media and other websites.

This can help drive more traffic to your website, where you can convert visitors into customers or subscribers.

• Improve your SEO.

Search engines prioritize fresh content, so regularly publishing new blog posts can help to improve your website’s ranking in search results.

This can make it easier for potential customers to find your website.

• Offer educational value .

Blogging allows you to share your skills, thoughts, and feelings with your audience in a more personal way than other forms of marketing communication.

This can help you build stronger relationships with your customers and subscribers.

• To earn money online:

We’ve already established above that blogs get organic traffic with the right SEO techniques.

You can monetize your website and earn money from this traffic.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to monetize a website in kenya.

• Blogging can be a great way to express yourself and share your creativity.

• Blogging can help you learn.

As you research and write blog posts, you will learn more about your chosen topic.

Ultimately, you will learn more about content writing.

• Creating networks with others in your field.

You can comment on other blogs and participate in online communities to connect with other bloggers and experts.

What is a website :

A website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization. According to Oxford dictionary definition.

Differences between a website and a blog

In conclusion , all blogs are websites, but not all websites are blogs.

Types of blogs you can start in Kenya :

Blogs come in various types, catering to different needs, fields and purposes.

Here are some common types of blogs:

  • Personal Blogs:

These are blogs about the author’s experiences and thoughts in daily life.

  • Lifestyle Blogs:

they cover wide a range of topics such as fashion, travel, health, and general well-being.

  • Fashion Blogs:

Focusing on trends and style advice on clothes showcasing personal fashion choices.

  • Travel Blogs:

Documenting travel experiences, providing tips, and sharing insights about different destinations and hotels in Kenya and internationally.

  • Food Blogs:

Featuring recipes, cooking tips, restaurant reviews, and culinary experiences.

  • Tech Blogs:

Highlighting technology news, reviews, and providing insights into gadgets, software, and innovations.

  • Health Blogs:

Covering topics related to fitness, nutrition, mental health, and overall well-being.

  • Parenting Blogs:

Offering advice, tips, and personal experiences related to parenting and family life.

  • Business and Finance Blogs:

Providing insights into business trends, entrepreneurship, investment, and financial planning.

  • Educational Blogs:

Sharing information and resources on specific subjects, often targeted at students or enthusiasts.

  • Political Blogs:

Discussing political events, opinions, and analysis of current affairs.

  • Review Blogs:

Offering reviews and critiques of products, services, books, movies, or other forms of entertainment.

  • Niche Blogs:

Focusing on specific hobbies or interests, such as gaming, photography, or crafting.

  • Corporate Blogs:

Created by businesses to share industry insights, company updates, and connect with their audience.

Blog layout structure

This is the top section of your blog and includes your blog title, logo, and navigation menu.

Main content area:

This is the largest section of your blog and where the article’s content is located

This is a narrow column located on the side of your blog and can be used to display widgets such as search bar, social media links, recent posts, or categories.

The sidebar should be responsive to show below or above the main content on mobile and small screens.

This is the bottom section of your blog and typically includes copyright information, contact information, and social media links.

Structure of the main content area


This is the headline of your blog post and should be clear, concise, seo optimized and attention-grabbing.


These are used to break up your blog post into smaller sections and make it easier to read.

Table of contents :

this is contains links to all headings in the article for easy navigation.

It also provides a quick easy way to scheme the content and is recommended by search engines.

Body text:

This is the main content of your blog post and should be informative and engaging.

This should satisfy the users question fully.

Images and videos:

Visual content can make your blog posts more interesting and visually appealing.

Actually many people prefer images and videos to a wall of text.

Call to action:

This is a statement that tells your readers what you want them to do after reading your blog post, such as subscribing to your blog or sharing your post on social media.

How to Start a Blog in Kenya 2024

1: Choose a niche

The first step on how to start a blog in kenya is to choose a niche for the blog.

A niche is the topic that you’ll be writing about, so it’s paramount to choose something that you’re skilled in or have passion of.

Some popular blog niches in Kenya include:

Celebrity news and gossip, Food and cooking, Travel, lifestyle, Fashion, beauty, Technology, Business, Health, Fitness, Personal development, Make money online, Culture and Entertainment

2. Carry out research about the niche

This is a finding out your competitors, their strategies and weaknesses.
You should also find out if people are interested in the topic, this is done by keyword research for that topic, where you get data about the search volume and competition.
There are free tools for keyword research like a href, moz, Google adwords, etc. Just type this query on google search (free keyword research tool)

3. Choose a blogging platform

Once you’ve chosen a niche, you need to choose a blogging platform.

This is the software that will power your blog and allow you to create and publish content.

There are many different blogging platforms available, but the two most popular are WordPress and Blogger.

WordPress is a self-hosted platform, which means that you need to purchase your own web hosting and domain name and create a website.

However, WordPress gives you more flexibility and control over your blog than Blogger.

On the other hand this is how to start a blog in kenya for free: By using Blogger, linkedin, medium or which are free platforms, but it has some limitations, such as storage space and customization options.

4. Register a domain name

Your domain name is the address of your blog on the internet. It’s what people will type into their web browser to visit your blog. You can register a domain name through a domain name registrar in Kenya such as Sasahost, Truehost, Hospinnacle, Itexperts, KenyaWebExperts etc.

5. Purchase web hosting

This doesn’t apply to you if you opt to use the free blogging platform listed above.
However, if you’re using WordPress, you need to purchase web hosting. This is the space where your blog’s files will be stored and made accessible to visitors online 24/7.

There are many different web hosting providers available, but some popular options in Kenya include:

buy web hosting from hostpinnacle


Sky Host

Here’s a detailed reviewed list of the best web hosting companies in Kenya 2024

6. Install WordPress

Once you’ve purchased web hosting, you can install WordPress. This is an easy process, as most web hosting providers offer one-click installation for WordPress. Please note that WordPress is free and open source.

7. Choose a theme and customize your blog

Once WordPress is installed, you can choose a theme and customize your blog. Themes control the look and feel of your blog, while plugins add new features and functionality. There are thousands of free and premium WordPress themes and plugins available.
The best free blogging themes for WordPress include: Generatepress, Oceanwp, phlox, Kadence, Blocksy etc.
You can also install plugins to help you out on specific tasks like seo, eg Yoast seo or Rankmath.

8. Start writing content

Once you’ve customized your blog, you’re ready to start writing content. Be sure to write high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. You should also publish new content on a regular basis to keep your readers coming back.

9. Promote your blog

Once you’ve published some content, you need to start promoting your blog. There are many different ways to promote your blog, such as:

Social media marketing
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Email marketing
Guest blogging

10. Monetize your blog

There are many different ways to monetize your blog, such as:

Affiliate marketing in Kenya
Selling your own products or services
Here’s a detailed article on how to monetize a website in kenya in 2024.


How to Start a Blog in Kenya?

In the article I’ve clearly outlined how to start a blog in Kenya in 2024 and make money. You start by choosing a niche, do keywords research about the topic and find out who are your competitors, choose a blogging platform eg WordPress, LinkedIn, medium or blogger, buy a domain and hosting, install WordPress, install necessary theme and plugins, start writing content, promote your content, and finally monetize your content.

How to start a blog in Kenya for free?

Use Blogger or Medium which are a free blogging platforms.

How much does it cost to start a blog in kenya?

Starting a blog in Kenya could be entirely free when using blogger or you can pay for hosting and domain which both add up to about ksh. 3000 on HostPinnacle annually.

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Paul Mbui
Paul Mbui

Am an self taught web designer in Kenya, Seo Expert, Web security specialist. I build professional websites,with html, css, js, php, mysql, bootstrap, jquery and WordPress. I write blogs about web design, seo and web security.

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